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Department Name Department Site Email (@neiu.edu) Location Phone  
Enrollment Management: 38220     D 120 1-773-583-4050
#   Name Title Email (@neiu.edu) Location Phone  
1   Aigner, Joe F. Admissions/Records Assistant J-Aigner2 D 113 1-773-442-4021  
2   Araujo, Andrea Admissions & Records Rep A-Araujo2 n/a    
3   Araujo, Maria D. CHEC Grant Admin Assistant M-Araujo      
4   Arroyo, Lisa Program Coordinator L-Arroyo9 D-130 1-773-442-4011  
5   Biernat, Barbara Office Support Specialist B-Biernat D 101 1-773-442-4035  
6   Birkner, Rachel B. Admissions & Records Rep R-Birkner D 101E 1-773-442-4007  
7   Bosworth, Andrew Admissions & Records Officer A-Bosworth D 111 1-773-442-6002  
8   Brown, Lena A. Admissions & Records Officer L-Brown1 D 111 1-773-442-4043  
9   Bull, Amy L. Admissions & Records Representative (Lead) A-Bull D 113 1-773-442-4016  
10   Campbell, DeMara T. Admissions and Records Associate D-Campbell6 C 517 1-773-442-4038  
11   Cook, Julian Program Services Specialist J-Cook18 D 138 1-773-442-4027  
12   Del Toro, Lizzette Interim Reg Recruit Mgr-DuPage L-DelToro D 120 1-773-442-6003  
13   Erblich, Emily J. Admissions & Records Rep E-Erblich n/a 1-773-442-4015  
14   Gocha, Steven D. IT Technical Associate SD-Gocha D-111A 1-773-442-5294  
15   Hare, Diamante Freshman Admission Counselor D-Hare D 134 1-773-442-4883  
16   Hartnett, Jenny A. Office Manager J-Hartnett D 111 1-773-442-4036  
17   Hatton, Thomas Program Coordinator T-Hatton n/a 1-773-442-4053  
18   Hilbrands, Ellen Admissions Counselor E-Hilbrands2 D-130 1-773-442-5307  
19   Ilagan, Raymond L. Telephone Operator I R-Ilagan D 130 1-773-442-5334  
20   Jarvis, Alexander P. Freshman Admission Counselor A-Jarvis n/a 1-773-442-4048  
21   Jones, Victoria Customer Service Assistant V-Jones2 D 130 1-773-442-4138  
22   Junto, Lucian J. Admissions & Records Rep L-Junto D 113 1-773-442-4012  
23   Kallas, Fabby Admissions Counselor F-Tovar1 D 130 1-773-442-4024  
24   Keefe, Brennen M. Interim Associate Director Transfer Enrollment B-Keefe D 120 1-773-442-4025  
25   Keitel, Chad R. Admissions & Records Rep C-Keitel n/a 1-773-442-4052  
26   Lara, Isyemille Program Services Specialist I-Lara2 D 130 1-773-442-4024  
27   Latham, Joseph Admissions & Records Rep J-Latham2 D 101 E 1-773-442-4986  
28   McGlade, Amanda M. Interim Associate Director of Freshman Admissions A-McGlade D-139 1-773-442-4139  
29   Mercado, Claudia Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management C-Mercado1 D 130 1-773-442-4899  
30   Morales, Angela R. Administrative Assistant II AR-Morales D 120 1-773-442-4046  
31   Morgan, Robin Business/Admin Associate R-Morgan D 111 1-773-442-4039  
32   Pajak, Steven Director S-Pajak2 D 123 1-773-442-4013  
33   Pajak, Zoralla Admissions & Records Rep ZM-Aroca D 111 1-773-442-4042  
34   Perez, Juanita Y. Admissions & Rec Coordinator J-Perez2 D 113 1-773-442-4008  
35   Pollizze, Donna J. Admissions & Records Officer D-Zobott D 101 1-773-442-4032  
36   Quinonez, Rene Business/Admin Associate R-Quinonez D 123 1-773-442-4045  
37   Ramirez, Elizabeth Freshman Admission Counselor E-Ramirez25 D - 130 1-773-442-4026  
38   Skyba, Nicholas Admissions & Records Officer N-Skyba D 113 1-773-442-4014  
39   Tate, Jonathan Head of Veterans Services J-Tate1 D 137 1-773-442-4005  
40   Trout, Ryan H. Undergraduate Admission Director R-Trout D 140 1-773-442-4044  
41   Walker, Rahshida A. Registrar R-Walker5 D 122 1-773-442-4029  
42   Zabadneh, Lissette Program Assistant L-Zabadneh n/a 1-773-442-4076  
43   Zobott, Dan R. Program Coordinator D-Zobott1 D 101E 1-773-442-4018  
    FAX       1-773-442-4020  
Adding Classes   D 101 1-773-442-4040  
Admissions Counseling and Recruitment   D 101D 1-773-442-4050  
Admissions Office admrec D 130 1-773-442-4001  
Admissions Review and Processing   D 113 1-773-442-4000  
Admissions, Transfer Center & Veteran Services   D 130 1-773-442-4050  
Campus Tours     1-773-442-4011  
Degree Audit and Transfer Articulation     1-773-442-4018  
Dropping Classes   D 101 1-773-442-4040  
Enrollment Services Conference Room   D 101 1-773-442-4739  
Graduate Admissions graduateadmissions D 101D 1-773-442-6001  
Graduate Records graduate-records D 101D 1-773-442-6017  
Graduation Evaluations gradeval D 111 1-773-442-4203  
Records office registrar D 111 1-773-442-4060  
Recruitment, Student   D 101D 1-773-442-4026  
Registrar Services   D 101 1-773-442-4060  
Registration registration D 101E 1-773-442-4040  
Student Information Systems   D 101 1-773-442-4045  
Transcripts   D 101 1-773-442-4031  
Transcripts (Students applying to NEIU)     1-773-442-4008  
Transfer Center tsteps D 130 1-773-442-4076  
Veterans Services veterans D 130 1-773-442-4073  

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Release: SRS_20220607